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is BACK!


Due to popular demand, the Vinnie MINI zippered canvas case specifically for non-apps, folded over pads, or The Keeper© is BACK!

Only 4"x3" the VINNIE'S MINI is perfect to hold a hand-full of non-applicator tampons, or a few folded over pads! It also can hold credit cards, cash, compacts, lipstick, your retainer, keys, or extra buttons for your favorite pair of tight jeans! (tight jeans optional). And, it's got a zipper to keep all your tampon products safe from the elements. ...and the hang strap makes it super functional when you are in a public bathroom. 

chick_w_mini.jpg Even though the original Vinnie's Tampon Case was designed to hold nearly all period related products, including non-apps, there were enugh women who requested a case spefically for non-apps with a zipper so the tiny tamps don't fall out (my girlfriend, Sockit, was the most vocal advocate). 

BIRDS AND THE BEES CASE: The original VINNIE MINI design was a nature scene depicting flowers and bees. It came stapled to a cardboard point of purchase display card. The Vinnie Mini Period Chart was printed on the back of the card for the buyer to cut out and insert in their case. Clever right? I thought so.  

THE KARATE CASE! KEEPS TINY TAMPS SAFE!: The second series of Vinnie Mini's was Karate themed featuring Vinnie in a gee breaking boards and bricks to prove to the customer that her tiny tamps are safe and secure inside Vinnie's case.  The karate motif was inspired by my love of early Jackie Chan movies as well as from my having to duck  the roundhouse  kicks of Illy Ill, the black-belted VTC office manager at the time. 






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